Category Archives: Technical articles
Programmeer die fetus vir hoër wolproduksie
Wolproduksie begin nie met die skeer van ’n skaap nie, dit begin reeds voor geboorte....
Stage of maturity determines the balance between quality and quantity of your forage
There are many different views on the right time to cut forage for baling or...
Practical management of the piglet around the farrow process
The swine industry has made tremendous improvements in terms of the number of piglets born...
Bestuur beïnvloed voerkraalprestasie
Droë-materiaal-inname (DMI) bepaal grootliks die Gemiddelde Daaglikse Toename (GDT) van ’n voerkraaldier. Daadwerklike pogings moet...
Managing the quality of feed during the seasonal changes
Good-quality pasture is nature’s gift to dairy cows. Not only is it well balanced between...
Practical management of the sow around the farrow process
It is for good reason that we refer to the farrowing unit as the engine...
Managing weaners for future production
A few key principles that affect the lifetime performance of replacement ewes are reviewed in...
Chicken manure: What is healthy?
Chicken manure is a good source of fertiliser, but is also a useful indicator of...
Tail biting in pigs
Pigs are naturally curious animals that tend to use their mouths to explore their environment...
Strategiese voeding van ooie voor en na die dekseisoen
Voedingstatus kan ‘n groot invloed op die produksie, reproduksie, wolkwaliteit en algemene gesondheid van ‘n...